Web Design Cornwall
Web Design Cornwall is probably the most sought after key phrase for any web designer in Cornwall. The reason for this article isn’t in anyway shape or form to be an interesting read for people. In fact if anyone reads it at all, it’s likely that it has been found through the search engines when someone has searched for term Web Design Cornwall. If that is the case, then this article has done exactly what it was intended to do.
So as it stands on November 21st 2014, Majik Websites isn’t currently ranked in the top ten pages on any search engine for the key phrase ‘Web Design Cornwall’. So let’s see how much of a difference a single blog article can make.
The idea of blogs for SEO is to write new articles as regular as possible, therefore giving your website more content and it enables you to target specific key words and key phrases. Blogging builds up an archive of content, the search engines can see that you are active on your website, and hopefully what your writing about has relevance to your services and in return your article will hopefully be displayed within the search engines in a half decent position, consequently getting hundreds of clicks through to your website. That’s the idea at least!
If you’ve read this much, then I apologise for being a bit boring, but I need to preach what I practise, and if you have read any of this article then it has worked… Or you have way too much time on your hands to come across articles like this…
I could probably stop writing now as I’m at around the 250 word count, which is a nice amount of text for a blog post, but a few more words and one or two more mentions of the key phrase ‘Web Design Cornwall’, can only help matters.
That’s another thing, mentioning the key word or key phrase. You don’t want to over do it. Writing your key word or key phrase too many times will go against you. Going by the book, it’s recommended that you should aim to included your key word of phrase as around 4% of your total word count. So if I have 400 words in this article, it’s recommended that I don’t mention Web Design Cornwall any more that 12 times… I have written web design Cornwall a total of 8 times in this article, which I think is plenty…
Now it’s down to the search engines!